The CSR initiatives focus on holistic development of host communities and create social, environmental and
economic value to the society through following CSR activities.
D&H Sécheron Electrodes Private Limited
(CIN U32101MH1965PTC164343)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy
(Approved by the Board of Directors on 29th March 2014)
Our Activities
- For the purpose of the relief of the poor.
- For the advancement and prorogation or education and
- Grant or contributions for or towards the promotion of the
welfare of orphans and poor children.
- Promotion of health of poor, distressed, afflicted and
mentally, physically or psychologically handicapped.
- Supplying and donating clothes, linen, bedding, fuel,
tools, medical or other aid in sickness, food or other articles, in kind to the poor.
- Giving or supplying clothes, linen, bedding, fuel, tools,
medical or other aid in sickness, food or other articles, in kind to the poor.
CSR Activities are executed through implementing agency M/s Sam Foundation, MUMBAI duly registered trust
under Mumbai Sarvajanik Vishwasta Vyawastha Adhiniyam, 1950, the Income Tax Act and ROC vide
Registration number CSR00025413.