Industry Type
Product Group
DC Rectifier
Temp. 80 Deg C For Remove The Oil & Greases
Lotherme T 909
55 Supplied
Cane Cutter
Wear & Tear / Corrosion
High Speed & Juice Corrosion
Chromcarb N 6006 of L&T
Cast Steel
5 kgs
300 x 25 x 150
Cane Cutting Knives
Expected crushing middle of season for cleaning 60,000 tones but planning postponed to 86000 tones while compare to previously used elect rode of CHROMCARB N 6006 OF L&T our product st ill working in good condit ion. After 86000 tones crushing also our product giving good life and customer is confident of get t ing another 20,000 tones life. The photo graph of the table shows that already 86,619.63 tones crushing is completed at the t ime of present stoppage.